Monday, March 23, 2009

Coffee With Daisy

Good morning!

I love my new goat Daisy. I really enjoy getting up early to milk her and have my coffee in the mornings. I never thought in a thousand years I would ever be saying those words. Milk a goat? Getting up early? I must be insane.

She likes me :)


rainydaytoys said...

I'm sure you didn't grow up milking goats so where did this come from? Are the girls going to learn how to milk? Do you milk twice a day?

Yolanda said...

Please tell me you didn't drink that....straight from her to your cup.

I remember when we had goats and my Dad milked them....HOT milk. Makes me shiver just thinking of it.

Andi said...

Yeah, I did. There's no way I could drink it strait without the coffee though. I don't like warm milk either!