Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Yay! My sister-in-law Laurie tagged me for a meme! I've haven't been tagged for anything yet, and I can't think of a better one to do.
"Here's how it works: I am supposed to pick up the nearest book with at least 123 pages, turn to the 123rd page, find the 5th sentence, and then post the three sentences immediately after that."
I have a dilemma though. Patrick (my sweet man!) is studying for his Sunday morning service, so he has books piled all over my desk. I have several GREAT choices, but I'll go with the one that I actually had to push away for elbow room.

"Fourth, don't fear to speak the truth, but be courageous and speak clearly and openly because God is giving close and intimate attention to all you do. Matthew 10:30 means at least that much. Jesus says, 'Even the hairs of your head are all numbered.' In other words, the suffering you may undergo in speaking the truth is not because God is disinterested in you or unfamiliar with your plight. He is close enough to separate one hair from another and give each one a number. Fear not; he is close. He is interested; he cares. Be of good courage, and speak the truth whatever the cost."

Ok, that's a little more than three sentences, but I couldn't help myself! Here's who I tag:

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