Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lookie What I Found!

Now this is a sweet vintag-ey ride! We were driving home the other day and saw this baby sitting on the corner of the road with a "For Sale" sign on it. I am SO not above getting free stuff off the street, but to pay for it? It had to be a good price for me to even consider it.

Well, the sign said $50. Gulp... maybe I didn't need it after all. But then a wonderful thing happened. A scroungy looking college kid walked out of the nearest house. Yes! I knew I would probably be able to talk him down. I asked him if he was willing to go any lower, he said that was fine.

Now if he had been a real adult I probably would have asked if he would go for $40, but he looked in desperate need of some beer money, so I offered $30. His face lit up with approval. The bike was mine! 

Well, actually I got it for Moriah, seein' as how I love her and all!
(And now she can ride to the grocery store for me!)


Moriah said...

Thanx soooo much Mom!!!

Kellee Nelson said...

I am feeling v e r y o l d right now, I remember holding sweet Moriah in my arms as a baby!

Andi said...

I hear you Kellee! Me too!

Angela said...

love the basket!

Rose Starr said...

Way to go Andi!!! Fantastic bike for a steal! So fun!