Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, it's been almost a year since I've been on this thing. The truth is that I seriously struggle with depression. Those who see me on a regular basis might not recognize this, but that's because I hide it VERY well. I'm so good at hiding it that I can slap a smile on my face when I am nearly dead inside.
The reason I'm sharing this is because I think that it is more common in young mothers (well, not that young ;) than anyone will admit. Depression can affect every aspect of your life because it twists your way of thinking into beliefs and actions that are just not rational, and it also affects our bodies in that it causes lethargy and sometimes aches and pains.
My goal is that sometime soon I'd like to expand on this idea further, sharing my experience with it and hopefully throwing some medical studies in there as well. Depression is a tremendously painful mental condition that can hurt everyone that comes into contact with it. If it wasn't for the grace of God, and some very helpful medication, I wouldn't be able to share this with anyone.
This isn't exactly a very fun topic to come back with I know! But hopefully it might be a little helpful for someone out there. :)


Laurie M. said...

Lethargy and a lack of caring about anything anymore is the sure sign for me that I'm sinking. I've been there many times the last few months. I'm glad you've shared this so I can keep you in my prayers.

Moriah said...

Glad your back Mom. I love you.

Rose Starr said...

Thanks for sharing Andi. I too have struggled with depression from time to time. Praying for you, glad you have medication that helps and glad to "see" you here! Blessings to you!

Angela said...

I've been waiting a long time for you to share about this. I know the first time you said you might I was so glad because, quite frankly, most people don't want to talk about it. I'm praying that whatever you share will be an encouragement to others.

rainydaytoys said...

I struggle with depression too and have since I was a teenager. I believe it runs in my family. Glad you are talking about it and trying to over come it. I will keep you in my prayers as always.

Ginger said...

We love you Andi! Let's go for walks together everyday! I've never met a walk that didn't make me feel better!

Momma Bug said...

Hey friend,
My friend Sarah posted on this today. Interesting timing I think.
I'd love for you to meet Sarah
She has been a very precious friend, and I think the others are right.
More needs be said on this subject. I haven't had to battle with this particular issue much, but I am finding it to be a common misunderstanding among Christian women that Depression is a symptom of not being "spiritual" enough or something of that sort. It is a real, physical issue. And spiritual too because of the darkness and defeat that accompany it.

I love you too:-)

RavenM said...

Thank you for sharing Andi and for commenting on my blog. This painful issue seems to be more common than I ever guessed, I think we all need to talk about it more. Isolation is a huge contributor to depression. It's so difficult to say anything though. I can totally relate to being able to put on a smile when you feel like you are not going to make it through one more painful moment.